Write a letter to the editor
Help others in your community get involved by writing a letter to the editor of your local paper.
Tips on writing a letter to the editor that will spur folks into action:
- Keep your letter short 250 words or less!
- Speak from your heart and your values, explain the problem and the solution and help your neighbors and policymakers understand how they can take action to move us toward the solution.
- Be sure to explain why this matters to you personally — are you a student? Teacher? Parent? Caregiver? Concerned community member? Alum of your local school?
- Include your full name, your town, and your daytime phone number. If you have a role or title that relates to education or kids (like teacher, parent, grandparent, principal, school board member etc), include that with your name.
Talking points to include in your letter:
- Connect with your readers: Share who you are and why you care about kids, communities, and public schools in Vermont.
- Value: As Vermonters, we want all kids to have the resources they need to succeed and we want to pay for our public schools fairly.
- Problem: Forced cuts, privatization, and consolidation won’t help kids or taxpayers. There are a lot of myths and confusion about our education funding system, and many Vermont kids aren’t getting what they need to succeed while at the same time, low-and middle-income Vermont taxpayers are subsidizing the richest.
- Solution: Provide immediate and lasting property tax relief for thousands of Vermonters by restoring income sensitivity and moving to income-based school taxes to ensure that the richest Vermonters pay their fair share and that our kids get the resources they need to succeed.
List of email addresses /online forms for local papers:
- Addison County Independent: submit online www.addisonindependent.com/send-a-letter-to-the-editor/
- Bennington Banner: submit online www.benningtonbanner.com/site/forms/online_services/letter_editor/
- Brattleboro Reformer: submit online www.reformer.com/site/forms/online_services/letter_editor/
- Caledonian Record: submit online www.caledonianrecord.com/site/forms/online_services/letter_editor/
- Rutland Herald: submit online www.rutlandherald.com/site/forms/letters/
- Saint Albans Messenger: submit online www.samessenger.com/site/forms/submit_a_letter_to_the_editor/letter_editor/
- Seven Days: submit online at http://www.7dvt.com/feedback
- Times Argus: submit online www.timesargus.com/site/forms/online_services/letter_editor/
- Valley News: submit online www.vnews.com/Opinion
- VT Digger: email opinion@vtdigger.org